Wednesday 7 October 2009

Why we love men?

Reading over my favorite Paulo Coelho's blog, I found his collection of sayings, which he found in different places, on the issue : why we love men.... Here I bring some of them.

We love men because they can never fake orgasms, even if they wanted to.

Because they write poems, songs and books in our honor.

Because they never understand us and they never give up

Because they can see beauty in women when women have long ceased to see any beauty in themselves.

Because they come from little boys.

Because they can churn out long, intricate, Machiavellian, or incredibly complex mathematics and physics equations but they can be comparably clueless when it comes to women.

Because they are incredible lovers and never rest until we are happy.

Because they elevate sport to religion.

Because they are never afraid of the dark.

Because they do not care how they look or if they age.

Because they never wear or dream of wearing high heels.

Because they are always ready for sex.

Because they are like pomegranates: lots of inedible parts, but the juicy seeds are incredibly tasty and succulent and usually exceed your expectations.

Because they are afraid to go bald.

Because you always know what they think and they always mean what they say.

Because their biggest fear is not being a man, and for this, they need to go away from time to time.

Because they love machines, tools, and implements with the same ferocity love jewelery.

Because they always finish food on their plate.

Because they are brave in front of insects and mice.

Because when all is said and done, they can not live without us, no matter how hard they try.

Because they are truly as simple, as they claim to be.

Saturday 3 October 2009


When was the last time when you felt your blood moving in your body?
We all know that we have a red liquid travelling in us but we forget about it always, like it was meant to be, when we start to have shakes from the life: happy or sad, in love or hating, anxious or apathy, we suddenly feel all our body, we feel the direction of blood, we start to be awake, awake for our body and soul... Do we always need shakes? Why then all the great people try to invent master pieces? With the cost of their live, their health and loosing their loved ones...

All we need is to be attentive and when one gives or shows us the wonderland enjoy it, take it with all our body and heart, don't be greedy on the emotions and feelings which our heart can give.. Some people will think that I say something that everyone knows but the reason why I write this in my blog is because it is a reminder, we all know the right way to live but time to time we forget it, so we need reminders sometime...